La voce dei Ricercatori
La Ricerca

Dott. Giacomo Della Marca del 26 Novembre 2015
Dott. Roberto Frusciante del 27 Novembre 2015
Dott. Catello Vollono dell’8 Febbraio 2016
Dott.ssa Serena Dittoni 15 Marzo 2016
Dott.ssa Fiorella Manca del 9 Aprile 2016
Dott.ssa Maria Pariano del 27 Maggio 2017
Dott. Mauro Monforte del 14 Giugno 2017
Prof. Enzo Ricci del 14 Novembre 2017
Dott. Giorgio Tasca del 16 marzo 2018
Time laps
A Story To Our Journey

Collaborate with team members to rise
The world calls for, and expects from us, simplicity of life, the spirit of prayer, charity towards all, especially towards the lowly and the poor.When someone does something that.
They really have a choice. Maybe what I mean to say is did they really have a chance. Harness the power of social media to spread.

Collaborate with team members to rise
The world calls for, and expects from us, simplicity of life, the spirit of prayer, charity towards all, especially towards the lowly and the poor.When someone does something that.
They really have a choice. Maybe what I mean to say is did they really have a chance. Harness the power of social media to spread.

Collaborate with team members to rise
The world calls for, and expects from us, simplicity of life, the spirit of prayer, charity towards all, especially towards the lowly and the poor.When someone does something that.
They really have a choice. Maybe what I mean to say is did they really have a chance. Harness the power of social media to spread.

Collaborate with team members to rise
The world calls for, and expects from us, simplicity of life, the spirit of prayer, charity towards all, especially towards the lowly and the poor.When someone does something that.
They really have a choice. Maybe what I mean to say is did they really have a chance. Harness the power of social media to spread.